Radical Self-Responsibility + Requirements

Angela MareeFinancial Tips, Money Mindset, Spiritual PerspectiveLeave a Comment

Your ability to receive sits within your heart chakra. Both receiving money and love are linked to your heart chakra and are so intertwined. Your lessons in love can be equally applied to money. When you are triggered in a love relationship, the tendency is to blame the other person and hang out in victim mentality. You can step out of feeling … Read More

Nature is our Greatest Teacher

Angela MareeHealing, Spiritual PerspectiveLeave a Comment

This past year I moved from the big smoke to the country and am living in a house with a garden for the first time in my adult life. I’ve discovered I quite enjoy gardening. It’s heart warming and grounding to be amongst nature, using your hands and getting dirty.  I find I’m incredibly inspired afterwards and my writing has … Read More

Financial Sovereignty & the Feminine

Angela MareeFeminine, Leadership, Spiritual PerspectiveLeave a Comment

We are a culmination of all the experiences of our ancestors, which have left a profound genetic imprint on our DNA. Take a moment to ponder the experiences of your female ancestors in relation to money and freedom. Think about your mothers experiences, your grandmothers and then your great grandmother and the generations before her. The feminine has been persecuted … Read More

13 Practical & Spiritual Steps to Feng Shui Your Money in Times of Uncertainty

Angela MareeFinancial Tips, Money Mindset, Spiritual PerspectiveLeave a Comment

We are still in recovery mode from the fear-driven sh*t show that was covid, and are now being bombarded with more fear mongering in relation to inflation, rising prices of fuel, gas, electricity and interest rates.  When you hear these stories, do they make you contract? Do they make you feel fearful about an uncertain future? It is important to … Read More

Should I set up a company?

Angela MareeSpiritual Perspective, Tax Advice2 Comments

Company vs Sole Trader

A question I get asked a lot is “when should I set up a company structure for my business?” When answering this question, I consider both the practical and spiritual aspects of money and business.  Most people will start out their business journey as a sole trader. It’s a relatively simple business structure to set up. You register for an … Read More