Come inside our Money Healing Circle
and be part of a community that is consciously created
outside of the social media paradigm,
where you feel a deep sense of belonging

Come inside our Money Healing Circle and be part of a community that is consciously created outside of the social media paradigm, where you feel a deep sense of belonging

Introducing the 'Money Healing Circle'

Money Healing for Conscious Entrepreneurs is our circle of heart-centred and soul-led, conscious entrepreneurs who are on a money healing journey towards financial freedom, flow and abundance on all levels. We are all committed to self-discovery, growth and willing to do the work.

All money healing journeys are unique, but they can all benefit from things like community, a sense of belonging, access to proven methods and powerful tools, accountability and support.

The Money Healing Circle has been consciously created outside of the social media paradigm  - away from distractions, the scrolling black hole, the algorithms and negativity that can be found on such platforms.

This enables the Money Healing Circle to provide you with real connection - a place where you feel belonging. You will find rich interactions, valuable relationships and be part of an online community that goes deeper.

This is a sacred and transformational container that infuses the practical and spiritual aspects of money. A safe place to ask questions, share your journey, hopes and fears, and generally learn and grow without fear of judgment or rejection. All that is shared is held with care and privacy.


The Journey is Challenging - Don't Do it Alone

The soulpreneurial journey is like playing a game of snakes and ladders. There are so many ups and downs, obstacles and hurdles—it can seem like a game of luck. You're just rolling the dice and hoping for the best.

Some days you land on a snake and spiral down into a pit. Money blocks. Doubt. Unworthiness. Feeling like there is never enough. Frustration. Resistance. Procrastination. Fear of being visible. Knowledge gaps. Confusion. No peer group for support. No direct access to experts.

Other days you land on a ladder and you're propelled forward! New clients. Record revenue months. Inspired ideas. New partnerships. New opportunities. But there's nobody to share it with. Fear sharing your wins might trigger others. Anxiety. Freaking out because your nervous system is not able to hold what you're receiving.

This winding path is all part of the soulpreneurial journey. It'll never be easy. Success will never be guaranteed. But the probability of success—building an abundant life and business on your own terms—can be dramatically improved by joining forces with a community that is there to support you through the snake pits and high five you when you're climbing the ladders.

Introducing the 'Money Healing Circle'

Money Healing for Conscious Entrepreneurs is our circle of heart-centred and soul-led, conscious entrepreneurs who are on a money healing journey towards financial freedom, flow and abundance on all levels. We are all committed to self-discovery, growth and willing to do the work.

All money healing journeys are unique, but they can all benefit from things like community, a sense of belonging, access to proven methods and powerful tools, accountability and support.

The Money Healing Circle has been consciously created outside of the social media paradigm  - away from distractions, the scrolling black hole, the algorithms and negativity that can be found on such platforms.

This enables the Money Healing Circle to provide you with real connection - a place where you feel belonging. You will find rich interactions, valuable relationships and be part of an online community that goes deeper.

This is a sacred and transformational container that infuses the practical and spiritual aspects of money. A safe place to ask questions, share your journey, hopes and fears, and generally learn and grow without fear of judgment or rejection. All that is shared is held with care and privacy.


The Journey is Challenging - Don't Do it Alone

The soulpreneurial journey is like playing a game of snakes and ladders. There are so many ups and downs, obstacles and hurdles—it can seem like a game of luck. You're just rolling the dice and hoping for the best.

Some days you land on a snake and spiral down into a pit. Money blocks. Doubt. Unworthiness. Feeling like there is never enough. Frustration. Resistance. Procrastination. Fear of being visible. Knowledge gaps. Confusion. No peer group for support. No direct access to experts.

Other days you land on a ladder and you're propelled forward! New clients. Record revenue months. Inspired ideas. New partnerships. New opportunities. But there's nobody to share it with. Fear sharing your wins might trigger others. Anxiety. Freaking out because your nervous system is not able to hold what you're receiving.

This winding path is all part of the soulpreneurial journey. It'll never be easy. Success will never be guaranteed. But the probability of success—building an abundant life and business on your own terms—can be dramatically improved by joining forces with a community that is there to support you through the snake pits and high five you when you're climbing the ladders.

It's a Safe & Transformational Container

The need for a safe space that can be trusted to provide acceptance, development, privacy, and compassion is of upmost importance.

Money Healing for Conscious Entrepreneurs is:

      • A safe place to ask questions, share your journey, hopes and fears, and generally
        learn and grow without fear of judgment or rejection.
      • Relationship building opportunities with like-minded entrepreneurs that can yield
        solutions to problems, lead to prosperous partnerships, and establish friendships.
      • A community that welcomes members from diverse backgrounds including race,
        ethnicity, gender, orientation, neurodiversity, and physical ableness.
      • A focused environment to accelerate learning and connection due to the absence
        of distractions, Facebook algorithms, and immature members.
      • A sacred container where all that is shared is held with care and privacy

    This is a community void of hate, hype, distractions, tire-kickers, and non-starters. This is where conscious entrepreneurs come to grow, and it’s where they return time and again to stay focused on their healing journey, make new friendships and connections, expand their hearts, and elevate their potential.

    Inside the 'Money Healing Circle'


    Money Healing for Conscious Entrepreneurs is built on six core pillars:

    1. Connection

    A space for free flow discussion, to ask questions and tap into the healing wisdom
    of the collective, where you can celebrate your wins and successes and also find
    an accountability buddy.

    2. Spiritual Side

    A space where you learn to drop the push and hustle and lean in on your
    feminine energy, learning to trust, surrender and open yourself up to
    receiving abundance in all its forms - wealth, love and health. You will learn
    to tune in and listen to your intuitive guidance and take inspired action
    steps towards your soul purpose. This is also a space to get honest with
    yourself, using your triggers as insight into what needs to be healed next.

    3. Practical Side

    A space to learn the practical steps you need to take to prove to the Universe
    that you can handle more wealth. Learn the key principles of saving, investing,
    building wealth. A space to connect with me and utilise my skills as a
    Chartered Accountant. You will find practical tips for bookkeeping, accounting
    and taxes.

    4. Monthly Book Club Discussion

    I love books! A space to read some really useful money books and take
    inspired action steps together with your community.

    5. Exclusive Content

    An abundance of resources available including exclusive resources not found
    anywhere else, on the practical and spiritual aspects of money.

    6. Direct Access & Support

    A unique space where you get direct access and support from the
    Heal.Thy Money team.

    Inside the 'Money Healing Circle'


    Money Healing for Conscious Entrepreneurs is built on six core pillars:

    1. Connection

    A space for free flow discussion, to ask questions and tap into the healing wisdom of the collective, where you can celebrate your wins and successes and also find an accountability buddy.

    2. Spiritual Side

    A space where you learn to drop the push and hustle and lean in on your feminine energy, learning to trust, surrender and open yourself up to receiving abundance in all its forms - wealth, love and health.

    You will learn to tune in and listen to your intuitive guidance and take inspired action steps towards your soul purpose. This is also a space to get honest with yourself, using your triggers as insight into what needs to be healed next.

    3. Practical Side

    A space to learn the practical steps you need to take to prove to the Universe that you can handle more wealth. Learn the key principles of saving, investing, building wealth. A space to connect with me and utilise my skills as a Chartered Accountant. You will find practical tips for bookkeeping, accounting and taxes.

    4. Monthly Book Club Discussion

    I love books! A space to read some really useful money books and take inspired action steps together with your community.

    5. Exclusive Content

    An abundance of resources available including exclusive resources not found anywhere else, on the practical and spiritual aspects of money.

    6. Direct Access & Support

    A unique space where you get direct access and support from the Heal.Thy Money team.

    Feel like this for you?

    To join the Money Healing Circle, click on the button below,
    create an account and download the Circle app.
    You will receive notifications and a weekly email digest
    to help you engage in the community.


    Feel like this for you?

    To join the Money Healing Circle, click on the button below, create an account and download the Circle app. You will receive notifications and a weekly email digest to help you engage in the community.

    Money Healers Wanted!

    Living a heart-centred and soul-led life. Committed to self-awareness, healing and growth. Eager to bust through your blocks. If that sounds like you, and if you've been looking for a community of like-minded conscious entrepreneurs to join forces with, then we'd love to welcome you into the Money Healing for Conscious Entrepreneurs Circle.

    If you feel extra motivated to be part of something special from the very beginning, now is the opportune moment to be become an early member.

    This is for you if you:

        • believe in the virtues of humility, empathy, optimism, tenacity, and abundance
        • value diversity in all its forms and are accepting of others regardless of
          their appearance, ideas, and backgrounds
        • accept the responsibility to do the work because you know that success is not
          guaranteed or easily achieved
        • are emotionally ready to participate in the giving and receiving of feedback that
          may at times challenge your original thinking
        • wherever you are on your business journey, even if it's just a dream at the moment

    This is not for you if you:

        • prefer to surround yourself with people who look, think, and act very
          similar to you in both business and in life
        • expect success to come easily, quickly, and largely on the backs of others
          assuming your responsibilities
        • are not yet ready to share your ideas, questions, challenges, and needs
          with others for their constructive feedback
        • are not emotionally ready to start exploring into the depths of your soul